Aminet 40
Aminet 40 (2000)(Schatztruhe)[!][Dec 2000].iso
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61 lines
Changes from version < 8.x:
- rxsocket divided in 2 see readme.first
- rxslibrary was really weak if socks was not, sorry for that;
now a stack swap is done for functions that are very stack
consuming; I tested it very much and everything seems ok now
- very hard library revision to minimize memory fragmentation
- now, each blocking function can be broken with "hi"
you can use SetRxSocketOpt() to controll it;
- ErrorString() can be called with no argument
- HostErrorString() can be called with no argument
- ObtainSocket() can be called with 1 argument
- recv, recvfrom, readline can be called with 2 arguments
- finally find a way to import sockets from a macro
to the one that called it , via RXSCall()
NextRXSRelease() OnteinSocket()
- added a debugging support to inetd server and in general
for macro launched via rxscall() : a console output can be
opened so that, macros run from inetd or via rxscall() but
with no stdout will use that console as stdout/stdin
- added various function to rxlibnet.library, expecially
miami packet filter functions
Changes from version < 7.1:
- added some Genesis functions
- changed GenesisLogin to GenesisSetGlobalUser
- changed IsLibOn
- patched a MiamiDx 0.9 bug that made recvline not work, see recvline
- because of Genesis library doesn't free same bytes when opened
now it is opened only on request
- added GetSalt for a real passwd support
- QueryInterfaces() now returns all the interfaces found not just
the inet ones, so the filed family was added
Changes from version 6.4:
- fixed a bug in IoctlSocket()
- some internal functions to parse strings rewritten
- more log functions
- general debuggin
Changes from version < 6.3:
- added raw packet creation and parsing
- added support for Genesis
- IoctlSocket() complitly rewritten to query interfaces
- usefull function QueryInterfaces() added
- now the library show requesters if a function is not
avaible with the tcp/ip stack running
- fixed a stupid bug that made help() not work
- fixed a very stupid bug that made IsLibOn() so bad (not for the system anyway)
Changes from version < 4.5:
- added some usergroup.library function.
Changes from version < 4.1:
- generale debugging
- async sockets now works pretty good
- bind() fixed to work on a not set locale, e.g. for DGRAM sockets
- added the very nice RecvFromUntil() function
- now rxs tries to start ARexx if it is not already running